What to Do With 1099-LTC

If you paid premiums for a long-term care plan during the year, you may have received a 1099-LTC. You can add this to your eFile account to generate the needed forms as this may be deductible.

1. Sign in to eFile.com
Sign in to eFile.com or sign up here, then enter all your personal identifying information.
2. Where Do I Enter Data?
eFile will guide you through entering all of your information. Add all your income and deductions as you work through each section before proceeding to the review section.
3. How to Manually Add Data
To manually add your form, navigate to Federal Taxes > Review > I'd like to see the forms I've filled out or search for a form and enter "LTC." You can then fill out the details based on the form you received.
4. Box Descriptions
There are many boxes on the form, but below are the most common that will be filled in.
1: Gross long-term care benefits paid
2: Accelerate death benefits paid.
5. How to Add, Delete a Form or Page
