Standard Deductions

An overview of Standard Deductions and Amounts by Tax Year. Standard Deductions and itemized deductions are applied when you prepare your return on

Standard and Itemized Federal Tax Deductions Overview. Learn Which Expenses You Can Deduct and Which Forms eFile Will Generate for You.

Standard Tax Deductions Are a Per Tax Year Dollar Amount That Reduces the Taxable Income On An IRS and/or State Tax Return via the eFile Tax App.

Standard Tax Deductions for Back Taxes. The eFile Tax App Will Apply the Standard or Itemized Deductions For You When You Prepare.

Standard IRS Deduction Amounts by Filing Status and Age for the Tax Years 2022, 2023 and 2024. These are added by default when you Prepare Taxes

Standard Tax Deductions for 2025, 2026 and 2027. The Amounts will be updates as soon as they become available. Check the current Tax Year.

Adjustments to Income Are Tax Deductions Eligible With the Standard Deduction or Itemized Deductions Via Part II of Schedule 1: Adjustments.

Use the Standard Deduction or Itemized Deduction Method? When You Prepare Your Taxes on, the eFile Tax App Will Calculate This for You.
